Client-designed Christmas cards for Georgia firm Parrish Construction Group. Thick cotton paper with bright red and light gray inks — with a sneaky "Merry Christmas" on the back.
PAPER 600g Fluorescent White
INK Scarlet & Pantone Cool Gray 1

Client-designed Christmas cards for Georgia firm Parrish Construction Group. Thick cotton paper with bright red and light gray inks — with a sneaky "Merry Christmas" on the back.
PAPER 600g Fluorescent White
INK Scarlet & Pantone Cool Gray 1
Our Lights Holiday Card, printed for the Parklife alma mater, Duke University.
PAPER 300g Somerset White
INK Peacock & Lemonade
Two beautiful sets of blind-embossed holiday cards designed by Chad at The G Brand.
A quick refresher: A blind emboss uses a convex die to press the paper from the back into a concave counter-die in the front creating a raised surface. This is not to be confused with a letterpress deboss — the impression made by a letterpress die pressing into the front of the paper.
Boo! This year's Parklife Halloween card features black ink plus two shades of foil on a duplexed sheet: French Paper Speckletone Kraft for the front and Kraft-Tone Ledger Green for the back.
Oh yeah, there's a discount too. Just mention this post between now and the end of November to get $100 off an order of holiday cards, business cards, letterhead, or stationery.
Hard to compete with last year's card — but I'd say we came pretty close.
Check out these stark and sinister Christmas cards for North Carolina creative agency and long-time Parklife collaborators, Adena Studios.
We printed these with Black and Fuchsia ink on our 300g Fluorescent White cotton paper.
Our 2015 Letterpress Halloween Card
Whoa. Check out this hot-off-the-press Halloween card — designed and printed right here at our Portland studio. On the outside it features a medium gray ink and a 50/50 mix of transparent and opaque white on 65# Neenah Astrobrights Cosmic Orange. And on the inside it's the same gray ink plus a custom orange on 90# Pearl White Lettra. All hand duplexed of course.
Oh, and what exactly is going on inside? It's 15% off any business-related custom printing now through the end of November. That could mean business card, holiday cards, letterhead, or maybe some letterpress coasters for your company's New Year's Eve bash.
We mailed these out to a select bunch of loyal customers, but figured the whole world should be clued in too. The whole world reads this blog, right? Probably.